Cocaine Rehab Center in NJ

Top-Rated New Jersey

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Next Wind Recovery provides substance abuse treatment in New Jersey for cocaine addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. If you or a loved one suffers from cocaine addiction, contact us at 201.778.6009 to learn about your many treatment options.

why cocaine addiction treatment matters

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine is a potent, highly addictive, and dangerous stimulant drug that immediately hooks users after the first use. Long known as a recreational “party drug” synonymous with the decadence of the 1970s, cocaine use continues to be a major health issue in the United States. According to data provided by NIDA, an estimated 5.2 million people over 12 years of age in the United States have used cocaine in the past month. Sadly, nearly 20,000 people died of a drug overdose involving cocaine in 2020.

If you are struggling with cocaine addiction, the cycle of addiction is very difficult to break without professional intervention. Next Wind Recovery is a top-tier cocaine rehab center in New Jersey featuring treatment programs that are extensively tested, proven to work, and personalized to meet your unique and specific needs. Don’t wait another day to address your addiction; call Next Wind Recovery today and learn more about our New Jersey drug rehab.

Addictions We Treat at Next Wind NJ

What We Treat

signs of cocaine addiction

Understanding Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine is an extremely addictive drug made from the leaves of the coca plant. In powder form, it is snorted but can also be liquified and injected. Crack is a crystallized form of cocaine that is smoked. Crack is more potent and addictive than powder cocaine. Cocaine is a stimulant that impacts the central nervous system (CSN) by blocking norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin transporters, which causes a build-up of these neurotransmitters in the brain’s pleasure centers. This build-up produces feelings of euphoria that fuel the cycle of addiction, which is difficult to break without professional intervention. 

Cocaine addiction impacts how a person processes information and manages interpersonal relationships. Extreme mood swings and irritability contribute to difficulties maintaining healthy relationships. Long-term use can affect daily functioning to the degree that individuals cannot handle their responsibilities, which contributes to the further breakdown of relationships. Other psychological effects can include:

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